Thank you to our wonferful tutors!
Your dedication and generous donation of time to adult learners is a priceless gift to the Wayne County community. Thank you for being a star tutor and making a difference in someone's life.
Tutor training system offered to help volunteers to work with adult learners.
Training is provided free of charge to those willing to make a six month commitment
to tutoring with Literacy Connections. New curricululm introduced utilizes an
evidence-based process based on the Wilson Reading Systems.
Training funded by a grant from the PNC Foundation
*Tutor Training Schedule
Call us for additional information 919-735-1990
- Meet with a staff member -
- Complete registration form -
- Participate in a tutor orientation session -
(Held the first Monday &
first Thursday of each month.)
- Be at least 18 years old -
- Have a High School Diploma or GED -
- Speak English as their primary language -
- Give two hours a week -
- Networking Opportunities -
- Gain References -
- Build your resume -
- Pick your schedule -
- Only two hours a week! -
How Do I Help?
Volunteers Must:
- Tutor -
- Assist with Math/Computer Labs -
- Participant in events -
- Teach Financial Literacy -
- Help Fundraiser -
- Become an advocate -
Get Started
What's in it for you?
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